*This review will contain spoilers for Incredibles 2.
14 years ago, The Incredibles amazed us with a compelling story of family and self-identity set in a superhero universe. After viewing the film, I couldn't wait for the sequel. Now, we finally have it, and it is fantastic.
Incredibles 2 takes a similar relationship to its predecessor as Toy Story 2 did, with a secondary lead facing several of the same ideas in the first film. In The Incredibles, Bob constantly sneaks around his wife to continue to be a hero, and now Helen is the one doing hero work while Bob watches the kids. This role reversal works incredibly well, and leads to some fascinating development for everyone involved. Furthermore, Helen even saves a speeding train, a direct homage to the opening of the first film.
One major strength of this film is the recognition and respect for the original film. We see "archival footage" on the news using footage from the interviews at the beginning of the first film, as well as reappearances of fan favorite characters, such as Edna Mode, which only assist the story telling. The memory eraser from the short "Jack Jack Attack" is even featured in the film, and plays a key part in the storyline.
And speaking of Jack Jack...
In the above mentioned short and the first film, Jack Jack used a variety of powers, such as fire, lasers, levitation, phasing, and the "demon baby". Here, he has even more powers, which I will allow you to discover and enjoy on your own, as the additional powers are cleverly integrated into the film. What I will say is the scene showing these powers off had me laughing my head off, as Jack Jack uses a large number of his powers to battle a raccoon.
By far, however, the best element of the film is Bob's story as a man who had been working outside the home for a long time trying to be a stay-at-home parent. The film follows him through the initial struggle, and ultimately shows him finding his way, allowing him to connect with his family in a way we didn't get to see in the previous film. Every parent wants to do right by their children, but sometimes they lack the knowledge of how to actually do so, and it's impressive to witness the growth and development of the Parr family.
Now, for those of you who don't know, Agent Dicker's original voice actor, Bud Luckey, unfortunately couldn't return to the project for health reasons, and recently passed away. His replacement, while a slightly different voice, he keeps the character true to the original. The same can be said for Dash, whose original voice actor is now too old.
Finally, let's talk about our villain for this story, The Screenslaver. Arguably one of the most compelling villains PIXAR has created, this villain has an interesting opinion and a full justification to their actions. While the reveal is interesting, I had been able to deduce the villain's identity long before the reveal based on very specific design choices and details within the story, and observant audience members will likely have the same reaction.
For those of you who have waited 14 years, or even 2 days, Incredibles 2 is a film that has definitely been worth the wait.
Let me know your thoughts in the comics below. Also, feel free to suggest films you would like me to review in the future.
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