This entry contains spoilers for the Walking Dead seasons 4, 6, and 7 (through the Mid-season Finale). The Walking Dead returns 2/12/2017. Eeny...Meeny...Miney...Mo... This childhood game is also the way that The Walking Dead closed in April of 2016. October saw the end of the game, revealing the death of a beloved character. This event, adapted from the comic's 100th issue, saw the introduction of Negan, played by Jeffery Dean Morgan, the biggest, baddest survivor since the Governor. And if you thought the decapitation of Hershal was distressing to witness, you will loath Negan for his wielding of a baseball bat wrapped in Barbed Wire, which he calls Lucille. This is the instrument used to obliterate the head of Sargent Abraham Ford, and the show shows many gory shots of the bat hitting his head. This event in itself is hard to watch, but then Negan gloats, and forces Rosita to look at the bloody bat. Unfortunately, the scene gets worse, as Daryl, refusing to yield t...
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