*This article, and the resulting series, will contain spoilers for 13 Reasons Why . **This article, and the resulting series, will discuss topics of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Suicide. Reader Discretion is advised. "Hey. It's Hannah" These were the opening words of the tapes in 13 Reasons Why , which I reviewed last year ( Read the Review ). Many people don't notice an important comment in this intro though: "Don't adjust your radio, or whatever you are hearing this on." This implies that Hannah intended for the tapes to go public. She expected the listeners to fail. Or did she ever want them to remain a secret... I thought about this about a week back, but never had a reason to discuss this idea. Until I saw this on Twitter the other day: This got me thinking again: If the main point was Hannah's ultimate suicide, why would that warrant a second season? Granted, it could be focused on the lawsuits filed by ...
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